Become a Rep!

HGSA Representatives, 2020-2021 Academic Year

Interested in issues facing grad students? Want to help organize fun and useful events for grad students? Want to become more involved in the History grad student community? Consider running to be an elected representative of the History Graduate Student Association!

Each cohort (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5+) elects two representatives to form the HGSA Committee. This committee elects two Co-chairs, a Treasurer, a representative to the Curriculum Committee, and decides how to divide up the different HGSA functions among the elected representatives. The most basic (and important) duty is to be talking regularly with members of your cohort to best represent their interests. The other main duties include:

1. Sending out a weekly email of HGSA announcements to all HGSA members (President)

2. Keeping track of expenses and reimbursements and updating a budget weekly (Treasurer)

3. Writing up a report & meeting with the Chair & DGS every semester (Co-Presidents & Treasurer)

4. Serving on the History Department Curriculum Committee, devoted to discussing undergrad and graduate curricular matters (Curriculum Committee Rep)

5. Organizing at least 2 events for the year

6. Setting up our weekly Happy Hour

7. Keeping the Lounge supplied with coffee & printing supplies

8. Developing and conducting an online survey

9. Working on any other graduate student issues you have in mind!

Please feel free to get in touch with a HGSA Representative to learn more.